Ashikaga University has many friends from all over the world who are working hard to acquire specialized knowledge. Our excellent professors, who are engaged in distinctive and cutting-edge research activities, and our kind, friendly and cheerful administrative staff are doing their best to support these motivated international students.
If you have dreams of studying in Japan, we hope you will challenge Ashikaga University and join us.
Based on the founding philosophy of our university, we value the spirit of "Harmony" . We will achieve the SDGs based on the harmony of people from all over the world and harmony between people and nature.
Our mission is to nurture "engineers with a heart". Engineers who are responsible for the realization of a sustainable society where no one on earth is left behind.
This is what we, the faculty and staff of Ashikaga University, consider to be "engineers with a heart".
Dear international students, Ashikaga University has high expectations for young people who have high aspirations to take part in the SDGs. We hope you will enroll in our university.
Let us work together to create a sustainable society. We will do our best to back up your high aspirations.
Today’s Ashikaga University organization is the direct descendent of Ashikaga Jissen Woman’s School which was established in 1925 by Bukkyo Wago-kai, an organization of 17 leading Buddhist temples in Ashikaga.
Under the post-war educational system reform, the organization established an educational foundation to accommodate the local community’s request for higher education. The foundation, now having developed into the Ashikaga University educational foundation, operates one university, one junior college, two high schools and one kindergarten.
When it established the educational foundation, Bukkyo Wago-kai adopted Prince Shotoku’s teaching‘, Harmony is to be valued,’as its founding philosophy. Prince Shotoku, the father of Japanese Buddhism, is a highly revered figure in Japan and his teaching is inscribed in the Seventeen-Article Constitution authored by him in 604. The spirit contained in his teaching has been preserved unchanged in each of the schools operated by the Ashikaga University educational foundation.
The first floor of the library is a free study space that supports active learning, and the second and higher floors are individual study spaces to accommodate different needs depending on the floor. Engineering books are placed on the 2nd floor as a regular library, and humanities, social sciences and foreign books are placed on the 3rd floor.
The center boasts a great number of computers with various kinds of software installed in them, which surpass those found in other universities of science and technology in terms of performance and functional capability. The center also has laid terminals in various places on campus, creating an environment in which students can connect to the Internet from anywhere on campus.
The spacious university cafeteria can accommodate 564 people, and in spring you can enjoy your meal while watching the cherry blossoms in full bloom from the window.
Through joint research with local enterprises, the center is promoting development of technology and is contributing to the enhancement ofthe local industrial base. The center is also committed to contributing to the local community by making its facilities and technical know-how available to the residents and organizing seminars for the general public. Another important role the center assumes is that of intermediary between Ashikaga University and local enterprises.
Ashikaga University has long been engaged in research into sustainable uses of natural energy sources. The symbol of our engagement is the Wind and Solar Power Park. It covers an area of 12,000 square meters, and offers exhibits ofvarious devices and instruments based on the concept of four types of natural energy source: wind, light, water, and wood. The exhibition includes three 13-meter-long windmill blades, thirty small wind power generators, a solar clock, a water clock, a non-powered fountain device, and a biotope. The park provides an opportunity to experience and learn about next-generation energy.
In July 2021, the Ashikaga University new arena was born. It is a facility equipped with the latest equipment such as two basketball courts, a stage, a martial arts hall and shower rooms.
The college has turned out many experts in child education since its foundation. In 1996, it established the department of nursing science. Since then, it has sent many excellent medical professionals to various medical treatment sites.
It started as the boys division of Tsukimigaoka High School in 1963, and was reorganized into an independent school as Ashikaga Institute of Technology High School in 1963.
It started as Ashikaga Jissen Girls' School in1925 based on the educationa foundation formed by Bukkyo Wagokai, an organization of 17 leading Buddhist temples in Ashikaga.
The school became affiliated with Ashikaga Junior College when it started in 1976.
The kindergarten is a Buddhist inspired kindergarten that carries out its education focused on learning the preciousness of life and respect for others and the environment.
Bhutan : Royal University of Bhutan
Cambodia : Royal University of Phnom Penh
China : Zhejiang University of Technology / Taizhou University
Ethiopia : Addis Ababa Science and Technology University / Mekelle University / Wolaita Sodo University / Ethiopian Kaizen Institute
France : Lille University of Science and Technology
Indonesia : Surya University
Kenya : Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
Korea : Seoil University / Jeju National University / Daejin University
Mongol : Mongolian University of Science and Technology
Philippines : Mariano Marcos State University
U.S.A. : University of Illinois at Springfield
Taiwan : Chung Hwa University of Medical Technology / Ming Dao University
Ashikaga University has international students from all over the world.
China / Vietnam / Nepal / Bangladesh / Indonesia / Malaysia / Saudi Arabia / Mongol / Senegal / Uzbekistan / Syria / Cameroon / Pakistan / Tanzania / Sri Lanka